NTU Research > Presentations > Public Understanding

Selected Presentations

Complete list | Public Understanding | Superhydrophobicity & Superspreading | Soil & Sand | Materials & Surfaces | Abhesion & Slip | Liquid Marbles & Electrowetting | Superhydrophobicity & Acoustic Waves | Acoustic Wave Sensors | SAW Theory | Selected Others

"Water: A tale of two surfaces".
A public understanding of science discussion at the Café Scientifique, Nottingham, UK. March 2009.

File: "Nottingham Cafe Scientifique March 2009.pdf"

"Water: A tale of two surfaces".
A public Professorial talk at Nottingham Trent University, UK. November 2008.

File: "Professorial Talk November 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"
Weblink: Nottingham Trent University

"Super water-repellent surfaces".
An outreach talk at Grantham & Kesteven School, Nottinghamshire, UK. March 2008.

File: "Grantham School March 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Superhydrophobic surfaces".
A research seminar at Leeds University, UK. February 2008.

File: "Leeds Seminar February 2008.pdf"

"Superhydrophobic surfaces".
A research seminar at Oxford University, UK. March 2007.

File: "Oxford Seminar March 2007 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Superhydrophobic surfaces".
A research seminar at Southampton University, UK. September 2005.

File: "Soton Seminar September 2005.pdf"

"Superhydrophobic surfaces".
A year 1 Physics taster seminar at Nottingham, UK. March 2004.

File: "NTU Frontiers Talk March 2004.pdf"